Products Designed to
Australian and International
Rail Standards
Control Units
Audio Visual Controller
Controller designed for Public Transport Authority Perth A Series Fleet. This AVC unit controls the trainline and internal communications for visual and audio system.The AVC controls the Internal and External Passenger Information Displays, PA announcements and Passengers Emergency Intercoms (PEI's).
Visual Display Controller
Controller designed for Queensland Rail (QR) EMU,SMU & IMU fleet. The VDC controls Internal and External Passenger Information Displays, Drivers Display Clock and also provides interface to the existing communication system for Voice Announcements.
Audio Communication Controller
Controller designed for the Public Transport Authority Perth Prospector Trains. This ACC unit controls all the local and trainline communications and audio for Crew Communication, Help Points and Public Address (PA) Announcements. This unit also incorporates the PA & HAL amplifiers.
Sound Management Controller
Controller designed for Queensland Rails, Rockhampton Tilt Train. This SMC unit controls all the local and trainline communications, audio for Crew Communications and Public Address (PA).This unit incorporates a Preamp with multiple audio sources and controls amplifiers in each car. The onboard computer also plays pre-recorded audio messages via GPS triggered or manual selection by the Intercom Call Stations.
Display Units
Internal Passenger Information Display (PID)
Many different types of LED PID's can be manufactured according to the customers specific requirements. Tri-color multi line and single color PID's with auto dimming have been installed for the Public Transport Authority and Queensland Rail projects. PID's are manufactured to both Australian and International RAIL specifications.
External Destination Indicator (EDI)
Many different types of EDIs can be manufactured according to the customer requirements. EDIs are manufactured to exceed both Australian and International RAIL specifications. These EDIs have high brightness for daytime viewing with auto dimming for night viewing. Exceptional viewing angle and clarity, along with multi line and graphics viewing allows these EDIs to be fitted throughout our various projects.
Train Number Indicator (TNI)
Train Number Indicators are designed with high brightness LED's and auto dimming for nighttime viewing. This product can be designed to suit the clients specification in all aspects including character size/number and available space envelope.
Dynamic Route Map (DRM)
The Dynamic Route Map allows passengers a visual indication of where the train is within a specific route. Arrow indications show direction of travel and multicolor leds show the current and other route stations.
Crew And Passenger Communication Units
Passenger Emergency Intercom (PEI)
Many different types of PEI's can be manufactured according to the customer requirements. PEI's an be manufactured from mild, stainless steel and aluminium. The PEI's are manufactured to rail specifications using robust activation buttons, that have being field proven.
Crew Communication Unit
This product has been designed for Public Transport Authority Perth and is used for train crew to crew and crew to passenger audio communications. PA announcements can also be announced from the Crew Communications Unit.
Door Communication Unit
This product has been designed for Public Transport Authority Perth, allowing passengers to communicate with the crew.
Call Station
This product has been designed for the QR Rockhampton Tilt Trains. The Call Station allows the crew to initiate internal audio communications, pre recorded and manual PA announcements.
PA Amplifiers, Power Supplies & Others
PA Amplifiers
Many different types of PA Amplifiers can be manufactured according to the customer requirements and available space.
PA Amplifiers are manufactured to stringent Australian and International Rail Standards. The amplifiers can be standalone, rack mount or card module mount within a Rack unit.
Power Supplies
Power Supplies are designed can be manufactured according to the customer supply voltage, load requirements and available space.
Power Supplies are manufactured to stringent Australian and International Rail Standards. The Power Supplies can be designed for specific mount arrangements.
Complete Audio Video System
A Complete System of Equipment can be designed to incorporate PA and Audio Communications, Digital Voice Announcements, Video/Audio switching, LED & LCD displays and Passenger Help Communications.
Integrated Communication Unit
Equipment can be manufactured to the clients needs that incorporates PA amplifiers, Train communications, Music, Safety messages, Emergency intercom and pre-recorded audio messages.
LCD Monitor (LCD22)
The 22" wide viewing angle LCD, was designed to clients specifications. Quality LCD components along with a robust metal housing, ensures the equipment operates in a mobile environment.
Entertainment System
A Complete Entertainment System can be designed to the clients specifications.
Equipment electronics and housing can be designed to use existing cables and fit in the available space.
Passenger Dual USB Charge Systems
Rail Certified USB Charge System, to allow passengers to charge their portable equipment. The charge units have been designed to meet harsh and demanding environments.
Passenger Single USB Charge Systems
Rail Certified USB Charge System, to allow passengers to charge their portable equipment. The charge units have been designed to Rail specifications and customer space requirements.